Home page
I write low-level tools for other developers, including myself. Some of these tools include:
- A C parser for C
- An x86/AMD64 assembler for C
- A portable-executable parser for Java
- A binary analysis library for Java (PE, ELF, x86, AMD64, ARM32, ARM64)
I implement most things myself: Assemblers, code detouring, parsers, binary formats, and more. These become my own lightweight APIs that build fast, integrate easily, and give me what I need. And they aren't just documented; They will tell you how to use them, in human words.
HTML template
This page is also my personal HTML+CSS template. Features include:
- A centered page (mobile-friendly)
- Vertically grouped content (with correct borders)
- A sunken box for snippets
- A CSS class for code snippets
- Horizontal list boxes
You may download the CSS here.
Sunken box:
This is a text snippet
Sunken box, code font:
printf("this is a code snippet\n");
Horizontal list boxes: